We would like to invite you to step inside the Magical World of Fred Pittella’s Houdini and Escape’s Museum.
We are trying to establish the History of Escape’s and the major role Houdini had played in this type of Magic. You will notice the different areas you can explore which will be updated periodically.
The First is our section on Houdini. You will see many display’s of one of a kind Houdini memorabilia and artifacts. We will be continually changing as we are constantly searching for new material to add to these displays.

The second section is devoted to handcuffs. Here you will see some extremely rare and unusually one of a kind handcuffs, leg irons and restraints. Some owned by Houdini as well as his brother Hardeen and other escape artists of the era. To this day Houdini’s influence is still very apparent as many handcuffs and restraints are known among collectors by the name Houdini had given them.

The Third section is devoted to Escape Artists. As Houdini’s fame grew so did the competition the Imitators where popping up all over the world. This is a major focus. The Imitators, they were never able to escape from the Houdini name the spotlight never seem to shine as bright on them. There where endless performers; many who still remain nameless today. Many of them were hurt, some died, a few gave up, and some made a living performing escapes all trying to duplicate Houdini’s feats. But none have made such and impact or a name as Houdini! Our goal is to bring these performers out of the shadow.

The Fourth section we have on display Escape Apparatus. These are items other then handcuffs that were used to perform escapes from. Houdini had a tremendous influence in this particular field of magic he devolved and perfected this art. Some of these item where invented and developed by Houdini himself.
We hope you enjoy your visit!!!
If you have any information or leads on any of these sections Please let us know. Look forwarded to your comments and suggestions
We are also available for consulting and appraisals.
We are constantly searching for new material for the collection.
Top prices paid for a single item or an entire collection.
We are looking for Houdini related items, handcuffs and escape memorabilia.
Contact us if you have any items for sale: fredpstuff@aol.com
This site is dedicated to my Best Friend who happened to also be my Dad the “Chief” 1928-2010
And the two best things in my life Christopher & Jennifer
Website, content, and images © 2023-2024 Fred Pittella